Thursday, January 23, 2014

Block Porn Websites On Your Computer

Do You want to protect your children from watching porn movies online?  You are not the only one. Almost all parents want to protect their children from watching porn online. But Internet has made it easy to get in touch with porn content. With the growth of Internet usage, average age of Internet exposure to pornography is going down. Now its only 11 years.

If you also want to protect your children from watching Porn on the Internet  you must take the serious steps. You can not block your children from using Internet but you can block porn content on your system. For this, there is a nice software called My Porn Blocker that blocks porn on the system.

I recommend all parents to use this tool and prevent your children exposing to porn. Why My Porn blocker while there are many other similar kind of tools available? Most of the freely available tool only check the URL block if found in the database. But this is not the effective way. Use of proxy can bypass this check. But My Porn blocker comes with advance detection and checks the content of each page requested. If it finds any thing suspected, it blocks the page. Features of My Porn Blocker:

These are the main features of My Porn Blocker: Integration With All Search Engines:

It means after installation this tool, you children will not be able to find the porn content online with any search engine.
Stop Illegal File Sharing / P2P Software: Only program on the net to block over 50 File Sharing Programs.

Works with all popular web browsers and installs it in all browsers of your system.

Blocking/Limiting social Networking site: You can also block access to social networking websites that is now a major source of these kind of things. Stealth Mode: Run silently and completely hidden from the task bar, system tray, process list, start menu and add/remove programs section! Block All Chats: Chat can be fun but it's also a very dangerous place where sex predators like to target kids, restrict chat effortlessly Automatic

Screenshots: Secretly take high quality pictures of the screen every every x minutes and then view a handy DVD style slide show later to see everything!)

Download My Porn Blocker Now

Full version link : Download

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