Monday, February 3, 2014

Create A Gmail Phishing (Mobile)

See Demo-

What is Phishing ?
Phishing is a way of deceiving your victim by making him login through one of your webpages which is a copy of the original one. By doing so the fake webpage will save his E-mail ID or username and password. This is used for criminal activities for stealing Credits Cards and So on.
Now we are going to make a fake login page of Gmail Mobile.
Lets start the tutorial...

Step 1:
Register a new Wapka Account First create a new wapka account from the link below.

Step 2: Go to Admin Mode.

Step 3: Edit Site >>mail form>>
**Remember: Enable CAPTCHA pictures: Must UnMark it ..**

Now press Submit & Remember Don't set it admin mode.
Step 4: Now Make a source of ur site. Don't no about source view?
Go to & put your site link in the box and view the source.....
Now the main work of this tutorial is collecting like the value="117465354" code by source.
You have to search that value carefully....

Next step>> After collecting the
value="XXXXXXXX" code u Must hide the mailform in Admin Mode.
How to hide it on Admin Mode???
Ans: Go To Edit Site>user>Items visibility>Now click on X.

Now its Done.

Step 5:
Go Here and copy the main Code Of Wapka Phishing Page..

Step 6:
At Last After Finishing All Work Now U Can Put This Code on your site at last.... For This Code Wapka Advertise will be remove from foot of your site......

Remember: U have to keep this code below of all codes.

Remember to
replace value="XXXXXXX" to Yours.
**U have done it.**

Now the main Question that How can i get The Hacked User Name and Passaword?
Yes, U can get The hacked User name & Password at your Mail inbox which U have used in Registrating.
Thanks to all.
Note: This method only for Advanced WapMaster.

Courtesy: Hacker University


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